Kitty Minor - the Constellation that cats would like to exist |
AQUARIUS January 21 to February 18 Air sign
Nobody is better suited to be everyone’s friend. It may fade into the background but its smile remains and leaves everyone it meets with a warm glow. Its friends remember its achievements as they wish. It is a magician who does nothing and everything.
Aquarius is an Air sign and that’s one reason it’s hard to get a grip on their character.
PISCES February 19 to March 20 Water sign
A Fish is the Emblem of the Pisces Cat |
Nonetheless this sign makes them a bit wishy-washy although unique. Pisces are normally gentle and friendly creatures and that is something uncharacteristic of cats who can also be hunters and killers.
The Pisces cat’s eyes may be set slightly farther apart than normal and it will move with a fluidity that is suggestive of water. While all cats move fluidly this one seems to flow in and out of rooms. Be careful not to slip on it when it lies on the floor as it will be the same as stepping into a puddle of water.
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. Aries is the first and are considered to be young souls and Pisces are the old souls. As such the idea of reincarnation is incorporated into Astrology. Creatures start as new souls and live through many lives until they are old and wise. A soul won’t progress from one star sign to the next until they have passed the tests placed upon it by the nature given to it under that sign. Pisces are kind, intuitive, friendly and self-sacrificing. Their one drawback is that they can be weak willed. This is possibly their Zen attitude to life of ‘live and let live’. What else would you expect from an old soul?
ARIES March 21 to April 20 Fire sign
This cat is always on the go and must have something to do. It may get into trouble because, if it gets bored, it will seek new forms of distraction and venture too far and get lost. This is the cat who will get stuck up a tree or in a drain and need rescuing because it just couldn’t help itself.
Buy one of those cat tube tunnels with lots of tubes at different angles so it can go exploring inside the house instead of the neighbourhood. Cat towers are also a great idea and the more interesting you make it the better. Even cover an opening occasionally with fly wire just so it has the satisfaction of clawing its way in.
The only time you may get to pat this lovable cat is when it’s asleep in your lap, exhausted. You are, after all, soft and warm and even an Aries can appreciate comfort when it finally lies down.
GEMINI May 22 to June 21 Air sign
The Gemini cat will never be able to make up its mind with which toy to play or what to do next. It jumps from one thing to another. It’s not that it’s bored, it just can’t make up its mind. Basically it is indecisive. Geminis are both versatile and inconsistent. They won’t stick at anything for too long. They have a real need to communicate and cats, not being able to talk, will try to do this in other ways. They may sit on your computer keyboard and block the screen or meow incessantly and give you meaningful looks. Just talk to it and pat it a lot and hope that satisfies it for a while.
The Gemini cat will also tend to be nervy and tense on occasions. You know the type. They’ll stand on your sofa, arch their back and pluck at the fabric one paw at a time as if walking in an environment without gravity as if they have Velcro shoes. This is one cat for whom a scratch pole is mandatory.
This cat will be sweet one minute but the next watch out. One day it will eat tuna, the next it won’t. It has a split personality so you might like to give it a double name like Puss-Puss or Tiger Tim. It won’t need a companion because it is its own best friend.
CANCER June 22 to July 22 Water sign
This cat may actually appear to frown but it’s just the rolls of fat on its forehead. Don’t try to put Pudge on a diet or it’ll just go around to all the neighbours begging for food and give you a bad name. Cancer is ruled by the moon and people with this sign have round faces. Cancerian cats do too but it’s just because their cheeks are chubby.
Another problem the Cancerian cat is that tends to be clingy. Cancer is represented by the crab which sure can cling on when it wants too. You may find you can’t take a step forward because it is trying to wind itself around your ankles and wants a love-up. I say winding loosely in the case of a Cancerian cat considering its girth makes that difficult. Your cat will probably just lean heavily against your legs or plop itself on your feet. It makes a great pal in winter for added warmth.
The Leo cat loves to hunt and also to sleep after eating just like its cousin the lion. You wouldn’t keep a lion in your house but if you were smaller than your puss it would amount to the same thing. You would be viable prey so don’t kid yourself that this cat is so cute and cuddly that it would never hurt you. The only advantage you have over your Leo cat is your size and it has the good manners and sense to recognise that fact.
Apart from secretly wishing to eat you they are warm and affectionate with big hearts. They do have a superiority complex and the more prestige you have the better your cat will like it. Nonetheless you will still have prestige in its eyes because you love and care for it. It is nothing if not generous with its heart of a lion.
VIRGO August 24 to September 22 Earth sign
All cats love hiding in wardrobes but don’t be surprised if this one colour co-ordinates your clothes while it’s in there. It’s hyper critical too and if you find a garment on the floor that you were sure had been hanging up throw it out. Your cat has decided it’s not for you or just plain shabby.
LIBRA September 23 to October 23 Air sign
Librans can’t stand loneliness. More than any other star sign it must be in a relationship to be happy. This means with you. Be prepared to be the centre of its Universe or it will have to find someone who is devoted to it. If it is alone it will sulk and, being a cat, will take it out on the furniture or whatever takes its fancy. Take the hint if it shreds a photo of you in a frame on your mantelpiece. It needs companionship at all times. Having another cat is a good idea so it is never alone.
Librans like harmony but also tend to be overly critical as they forget to judge themselves first.
It can be prickly and carry a grudge in spite of never wanting to take sides. When it’s aimed at it, it becomes personal and it will sulk. It will also seem a relaxed, if not lazy cat as it is, by nature, easy going. This Libran cat is not like your Taurus time keeper. Time has no meaning for it and it may even ask for dinner at lunch time. Librans like bright flowers around the house and these will cheer it up.
SCORPIO October 24 to November 22 Water sign
Some of them may secretly snicker because they can’t stand the cat person, but others will give you withering looks when you are out shopping.
If Pepe le Pew wasn’t a skunk he’d be the poster boy for Scorpio cats. But your cat is both a lover and a fighter and it will claw its way into the affections of its intended through a multitude of meeker moggies. If he comes home with tufts of fur missing, scratches and a smile on his face you’ll know what he’s been up to.
These cats are jealous of your affection so don’t display too much to your other pets, or even family, in front of it. If you must then make a big fuss over him too or he’ll go somewhere and brood or worse, mount a surprise attack on the other object of your affections or one of their possessions when your back is turned.
SAGITTARIUS November 23 to December 21 Fire sign
Sagittarians are nature’s nomads and love their freedom so make sure your cat doesn’t wander but find it a safe place where it has lots of room and variety. Human Sagittarians have a gift of the gab. Your cat can’t talk but it will say everything with its eyes. This cat will have a pet project whether it is chasing mice, watching over your baby or watching the pendulum of a grandfather clock swing. Its one flaw is that it is inclined to be foolhardy and take risks by overestimating its own abilities.
Just let this cat follow its innocent heart but make sure when you leave the house be sure to look up first and check for falling cats. It just thought it might be able to reach that bird.
CAPRICORN December 22 to January 20 Earth sign
Because of this it’s wise to give them lots of positive input such as “Who’s a clever cat then?” and “You’re the most beautiful cat in the whole world”. Yes, we know cats can’t understand every word but they get the intonation.
You will have to serve your Capricorn cat, if it allows you to. It won’t come to you. It sees you as its servant in spite of its deep seated insecurity. Make sure it has an ornate and expensive cushion or bed. If it doesn’t like it, it will simply go and lie on the pillow on your bed to express its disgust.
The Capricorn cat can sit or lie perfectly still. The mountain goat is the symbol of this sign. It likes high places, is a climber and a bit of a loner. Your cat has a regal air and is not inclined to move just for the sake of it. That is because it is perched like a mountain goat, not on a rock, but up high on its expectations and standards. When it has decided what it wants to do it can move with alacrity but will do so with refined elegance.
Capricorn people will only buy the best even if it means saving for a long time to get it. Your cat will also expect the best even if you have to make sacrifices. After all it would if it were you, so what’s the problem? A little work never hurt anyone. If you present your Capricorn cat with something second rate, food or otherwise, it is likely to look at you as if you have crawled out of a hole. It will then turn around, put its tail up vertically to give you a view of its rear and walk off in a huff.
Capricorns don’t mean to be difficult. They just have standards and expect you to as well.
I don’t know Ally’s birth date but she was gentle, a loner and affectionate. She may well have been a Pisces.