Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 July 2023



Around seventy years ago, someone I call Me was born.  As far as I'm concerned, I'm still that same person; the same self-aware person that I've been since, well, since I've been aware of myself.  The memories I've stored up for all those years, although they may not be exact and full replicas of events, are still mine and don't vary too much.  I have memories that I'm very fond of, and others that I'm not so fond of.  Nonetheless, they're all there in the melting pot that is my brain.

One of those memories, or titbits of learning that I've picked up along the way, is that the cells of our body die off regularly and are replaced.  Now that's a pretty broad statement and lacks any academic parameters, but it made me think how, if the self is contained in cells, it remains the same when the cells it is made of are constantly regenerated.

Dash it, I decided, this means research and so I began, and, what started out as a simple exercise, became complicated.  Now I don't read full tomes to do research, I like to glean pertinent facts, and, in my research, I discovered that different types of cells have different life cycles.

According to Scientific American: "About a third of our body mass is fluid outside of our cells, such as plasma, plus solids, such as the calcium scaffolding of bones. The remaining two thirds is made up of roughly 30 trillion human cells. About 72 percent of those, by mass, are fat and muscle, which last an average of 12 to 50 years, respectively. But we have far more, tiny cells in our blood, which live only three to 120 days, and lining our gut, which typically live less than a week. Those two groups therefore make up the giant majority of the turnover. About 330 billion cells are replaced daily, equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells. In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion will have replenished—the equivalent of a new you."  April 1, 2021

Which is exactly why I wonder why Me hasn't had numerous incarnations, but remains the same old Me.  This meant that I had to study neurons, which I thought is what makes up the custard of our brain.  But it's not just neurons.

Next, from the Dana Foundation, Authors: Elizabeth A. Weaver II, Hilary H. Doyle, August 8, 2019:

"The brain is a mosaic made up of different cell types, each with their own unique properties.  The most common brain cells are neurons and non-neuron cells called glia.  The average adult human brain contains approximately 100 billion neurons, and just as many-if not more- glia.  Although neurons are the most famous brain cells, both neurons and glial cells are necessary for proper brain function."

But that's not all.  The interesting point to note about neurons comes from The Harvard Gazette and a talk given by W.A. Harris and Joshua Sanes, director of the Center for Brain Science at Harvard, May 11, 2022:

"Adult neurons survive a lifetime and remain malleable for several years."

However, "New brain cells are continually produced in the hippocampus and subventricular zone, replenishing these brain regions throughout life."  Fred Gage, PhD, president and professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. 15 April, 2020.

So, enough excerpts taken from respected sources and brilliant minds, from which I've produced a soupcon of pertinent facts regarding cells and their lifespans.  It certainly wouldn't do for a thesis but gives me something to go on.

I wonder how many cells, of whatever kind, make up the self in our brains.  I suspect they must be lifelong neurons, but as yet, no one has pinpointed the region in the brain in which our self hides out.  Perhaps it isn't in one region but is comprised of a number of regions networking with each other.  It is a very odd thing that we cannot figure out the location of our very ego.  I feel that mine is somewhere towards the forefront of my brain in the frontal lobe.  I don't feel like I'm coming from the sides of my brain or the rear but, of course, I may be mistaken.  When you think about it, the retina of the eye sees the world upside down and then the brain turns it right side up for us.  In the same way the self may be in hiding somewhere else in the brain and, somehow, beamed to our frontal lobe.

On a slight, but relevant, detour; I once had a wonderful doctor, a general practitioner.  She studied Medicine in England and then specialized as an anaesthetist.  She eventually moved to Australia and, to practice her specialization, would have had to retrain here so she decided to work as a general practitioner as Australia accepted her level of training for this.  During one of our conversations, I must have mentioned brain surgery, I no longer remember why, and she wrinkled her nose at the thought.  She then said something to the effect that she couldn't have stood being a brain surgeon, that the brain is like custard and, I deduced, this made it a very difficult thing to deal with.

So, somewhere in this custard, the self and all its minions reside.  Basically, I think of it as a chemical and electrical soup, or custard if you will.  In fact, it's a fatty custard, being made up of at least 60 percent fat and fatty acids are crucial to our brain's performance.  No wonder we often get cravings.  We are being driven by an ego that doesn't care how it looks.  It just wants fuel.  It doesn't care about our hips or waist.

Given the brain's custardy nature, it is also no wonder that neurologists and surgeons have to stick electric probes into it to discover what part of it is doing what to which.  It is rather interesting that the part of us that thinks, at this stage, defies our ability to analyze it.  I mean, we're in the thick of it, it is us, but we don't comprehend how it works.

All power to the brain, I say, because, when we do figure it out, we (not me personally) are going to try and copy it or fiddle with it in ways not to do with its health.  Humanity has a bad habit of thinking that its level of progress indicates that it has the ability to interfere with a system way smarter than it is and based on millions of years of evolution.  It's fine if they're trying to save a life; it's not so fine if they're trying to alter things for the sake of it.

It will be a bit like giving your seven-year-old some tools and telling him/her to tinker with your car's engine, find out how it works and try and improve it.  Personally, myself and I will be happy to hide out in the labyrinth of my custard and see out my time before this happens.


Friday, 27 January 2023



Using the word 'god' is problematic in a discussion regarding how the universe came into being.  It is difficult, neigh, impossible to mention the term without associating it with religion; not just one, but any religion, past and present.

Atheists say that mankind created God no matter what religion we are talking about.  In a sense that is correct, but it isn't necessarily fair.  The god that I am going to propose in this blog, as potentially existing, is not defined by religion and must be divorced from it entirely.  In fact, let's leave the word 'god' out of it and consider instead a self-aware cosmos.  It is something that humankind has considered a possibility since it became self-aware enough to contemplate the nature of existence itself.

Each one of us possesses self-awareness that popped into existence, seemingly, from nowhere and yet atheists find the idea of another life after this one, ridiculous.  Think about this: if an amino acid, the foundation of all life, was floating around the cosmos and had the ability to imagine becoming the life form that we are, would it not think the possibility as fantastical as we do the idea of an afterlife?  Had we been able, we would never have conceived of this lifeform that we have become in the first place?  This, basically, is what mystifies us.  We've won the lottery once.  What are the chances of it happening again?

It is possible that as our brains evolve, we may come to understand how our life and intellect came to be, but I believe we are so far from that happening that, in comparison to that level of awareness, we are as microbes floating about in a pool of sludge.  Before that happens, we will upload our consciousness into an advanced computer to where there is little hope of it evolving further, once it is set into a computer chip.  We will just be happy to have made our unevolved conscious, eternal; that is, until we begin to fester in our inability to change or move forward.

The thought of this made me contemplate something.  For many years I have considered that the universe, at some level, is self-aware and intelligent.  In fact, I'm certain of it.  I came up with the notion myself without reading books on philosophy, however, I have recently been reading of the idea of a pan consciousness by some philosophers, which is basically along the same lines as my thoughts.  I'm not surprised as it's a consideration many people who ponder the mystery of life would have come up with.  

My other thought is that this cosmic intellect has reached into life forms that have developed adequate brains so that they share its self-awareness and can wonder at the nature of existence.  Then I had a new consideration, and it arose from this: I am prone to terrible boredom; there are days I wish my brain could find an outlet that would satisfy itself enough to give me a break.  In other words, I wish it would find somewhere else to go, just for a little while.

Infinite time is hard for us to even contemplate and yet we hope for eternal life, but how on earth would we cope with it?  If the cosmos is self-aware and has always existed, how do you suppose it has coped?  My simple-minded guess is that it evolves, changes, experiments and expands.  Nothing eternal could remain in stasis.  If I were this entity, I'd get mighty tired of my self-awareness so I might come up with a nifty idea: I'd subcontract it out; I'd give myself a break from myself by putting pieces of my self-awareness into myriad, unsuspecting life forms under my omniscience, without memory, temporarily, of my eternal nature.  As such, I'd fill the cosmos with infinite pieces of my consciousness born into various states of being to learn, grow experience and die, without any idea of why they came to be.

Once dead, their consciousness would be reabsorbed into mine.  Parts of my consciousness would, therefore, have had a holiday from the eternity of my existence; would have looked at everything with a new, blank memory slate and mind, and returned to me refreshed.  In other words, I would reinvent myself over and over; wonder at the universe with my smaller, initially ignorant particularized selves, at the nature of existence, and try to make sense of it because, while my outsourced selves are terrified of death, I am terrified of an endless eternity.

By facing death in many, many short and unknowing lives, I am living on the edge.  I am feeling.  I am living through the beings I created.  As each of these entities is separate and with an infinite number of possible existences and experiences, I can spend my eternity experimenting and experiencing new possibilities.  They may be terrible or wonderful but an infinite, eternal, unchanging existence would be death, and I must be life.

Reaching the age of seventy and, having become a bit bogged down in my life, wondering what to do next when I've tried pretty much everything I've wanted to, is what set me to thinking about an intelligent, eternal cosmos.  If I am bored, what would this entity do?  Simplistic thinking on my behalf you may say but look at life and the universe.  It is in a perpetual state of life and death of stars, planets, galaxies.  On this planet the essence of life in nature is birth, life and death; of constant renewal.  The universe is ceaselessly reinventing itself.  There is no stasis.

We may not remember if we have lived before, thinking that before we were born we've been in a state of nothingness before for unimaginable billions of years, but I doubt that.  In all that time?  Really?  I think we are part of a universal conscious and return there; not in a state of mind we can imagine, but in some state.  The idea of being part of something I felt many decades ago when I had something of an epiphany.  I was simply talking to someone I didn't know very well and, suddenly, felt how very odd it was that we were separate entities.  It was as if I suddenly became aware that our separateness, as individuals, is unnatural.  It was a one-off kind of mental insight that never left me.  I don't get that feeling anymore, but I remember how it struck me at the time, out of the blue.

Some of my most profound thoughts came when I was twelve years of age and through my teen years.  My mind went into overdrive at that stage, contemplating existence and all manner of things.  I was also severely depressed at the time and going through puberty.  Nonetheless, in retrospect, I admire my young self.

I had the benefit of a deep-thinking mother who would discuss with me the nature of existence.  My father, a very intelligent man, had a different type of mind entirely and could never really follow our line of thought, or decided it was unnecessary.  He was a devoutly religious man and really didn't feel the need to question the nature of existence.  All the same I rather wish I had inherited my dad's excellent and much happier type of mind than my mother's more insightful, philosophical but also depressive mind.  Depressive or not, having a mind to think, to wonder and to be overwhelmed by both the beauty and terror of existence, the many life forms we share this planet with, not to mention the others beyond is an extraordinary happenstance.

No wonder we don't want to lose it.  Life is too extraordinary to believe that it appears like magic and then disappears again.  It is a mystery and, like all good mysteries, you've got to wait to the end, of this life at least, to find out.


Sunday, 6 May 2018


WELCOME to My first survey.  This has been made possible because you have finally invented the Internet.  I am terribly pleased about this because I can get some substantial feedback at last.  Also your population is at an all time high which, of course, adds to the amount of feedback, although I would warn you to start thinking about just how many of you can fit on your jewel of a planet and still manage to feed yourselves.

In order to ascertain your needs at this point in your evolution please take My "Life Satisfaction Survey".
I must first qualify that this survey is for people of all religions.  Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever, there is only one God.  Call Me what you like, imagine Me as you will.  Whatever name you call Me, I am Me and I hear you.

It is also not necessary to believe in Me to take this survey.  Feel free to use it as a tool to understand your own most basic wants and needs as I will yours.

This first edition is in English however, you may answer in any language you choose where you are required to do more than circling your choice of answer.

I thoroughly endorse Google Translate if you do not understand the questions.  Of course if you do not understand English you will not be able to understand what I have just written and I can only hope some of you non-English speaking people are computer savvy enough to try it on this text.
You do not need to send it anywhere.  I am omnipresent and see all.  I'll be taking in your answers.  There are no repercussions.  This is for you as much as Me.
1. Are you happy?                             Yes         No

    If not, why?  ---------------------------------------------------------


2. Are you satisfied with My choice of your ethnicity?                                           Yes         No

3. Ditto your gender?                         Yes         No

4. Have I made your life too hard?    Yes         No

5. Have I made your life too easy?    Yes         No

6. How happy are you with your appearance?


7. How happy are you with your earning ability?


8.  How happy are you with your level of intellect?


9.  How happy are you with your parents?



10. Have I created you with a pre-existing difficulty?

      e.g. disability, deformity, disease.              
                                                                Yes      No
     Describe: ......................................................

11. Were you born into difficult circumstances?

      e.g. time of war, pestilence, ethnic cleansing, tyranny,         famine. 
                                                                                                      Yes           No

12. Do you believe in?

      Marriage                                 Yes     No

      Euthanasia                             Yes     No

      Abortion                                Yes     No

      Capital punishment               Yes     No

      Contraception                        Yes    No

      Prayer                                    Yes     No

13.  Have you broken any of the ten Commandments?

       Which ones or how many of them?



14.  Do you think any of the ten Commandments are outmoded?

                                                     Yes     No

       If so, which ones, and explain your reasons for thinking so.



15.  Do you believe in Heaven?                 Yes     No

16.  Do you believe in Hell?                       Yes     No

17.  What is your preferred way to die?

18.  What is your least preferred way to die?

19.  Do you believe in reincarnation?                  Yes      No

20.  Do you believe that cats have nine lives?     Yes      No

21.  Do you believe in yourself?                           Yes     No

22.  Do you believe the Universe is infinite?        Yes     No

23.  Do you believe in the soul?                            Yes     No

  If so, do you think creatures apart from humans possess one?

                                                                               Yes     No

24.  Do you treat others as you would have them treat you?

                                                                                Yes     No

25.  Do you think it is possible to travel through time?

                                                                                Yes     No

26.  Do you think eternal life would be boring?     Yes    No

27.  Do you think I would allow Heaven to be boring and
       that it is your imaginations that are limited?
                                                                                 Yes    No

28.  Do you take a really good look at creation and realise
       that an intelligent force of some kind must be behind it?
                                                                                 Yes    No

29.  Do you believe everything you were taught as a child?

                                                                                  Yes    No

30. Do you realise I gave you a brain with which to question
      life, the Universe and everything?
                                                                                  Yes      No

31. Do you believe that you should give too much power to
      governments and organisations that use computers to run
      their departments and thus by-pass any means of human
      interaction or complaint?
                                                                                  Yes     No
     (Give that last question some real thought.  It is eminently
      worthy of your consideration for your future.)
32. Do you think humans have reached their highest point of
                                                                                  Yes     No
33. Do you think humans will continue to evolve if they
      manipulate the DNA of future generations to meet certain 
                                                                                  Yes     No
34. Do you think future generations will live on other planets or
      satellites and the Earth just become a salad bowl for feeding
                                                                                  Yes     No
35. Do you think that would be acceptable?
                                                                                  Yes     No
36.  I don't.
          But it's up to you.
          Remember, your descendants have a right to their planet,
          just as a child has a right to know it's own birth mother
          and father. 
          Please keep that in mind.
Thank you for taking the time to fill in My survey.  I hope it has
been enlightening.


Wednesday, 1 January 2014


 Yes, it's Me again.

Having assimilated the results of My "Life Satisfaction Survey", I realize that many of you are confused about the Ten Commandments.

In My survey I asked you to tell Me which ones you think are outmoded.  Your answers suggest that you did not understand some of them or their relevance.  I will, therefore, try to explain the ones which confused you and their relevance to your present time.

Commandments One and Two caused the greatest confusion but Two basically follows on from One.

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Firstly the words 'other gods' are problematic.  These do not mean other deities.  No matter what you call Me, as I have stated before, I'm the one who is listening.  'Other gods' means those things to which you give the status of God instead of Me.

Commandment One means that I must take precedence over anything you choose to worship.   In Commandment Two, a 'graven image' is an idol; a material representation, or an actual object, which you worship, or give priority to, over Me.

Now it's not about jealousy.  It's about you having a brain.  By and large most of you put material things above Me.  They have become your gods.  Partly this is because you have invented these things and they are testament to your cleverness.  However, the danger is in falling in love with your own inventions.

You give them priority over spiritual matters as if they are the be all and end all of everything. You place earthly things above the spirit.  You do not realize that the reason you exist is to continue to evolve as a spirit above and beyond the corporal vessel in which you are making this part of your journey.  I find it hard to believe that most of you think that your life on Earth is it; that it is all there is.  Just look around you at Creation.  It is, just as you are, a work in progress.  There are also cycles to everything in nature.  Doesn't that tell you something?  There are no dead ends.

Perhaps the word 'spirit' has put you off seeking yours.  The concept of a spirit is nebulous, so it's not strange that a spirit is portrayed in the same way: as a vaporous wraith.  Consider the 'spiritual' world as that part of creation you don't have the ability to see as yet.  Your corporal world is just one part of the whole and, just as your eyes only see certain wavelengths, your mind is still not evolved enough to see or understand the other dimensions. Basically, you have blinkers on.

Only a rare few of you philosophize.  Philosophic people don't try come up with answers because they know they don't have the ability to comprehend the nature of existence, let alone the size of the physical universe.  All power to you scientists for trying though.  People who possess philosophical minds see their lives as a journey.  They do not worship so much as wonder, but that's a kind of worship I can appreciate.

However, If you worship your technological achievements above Me, let them take precedence over Me, put Me in the back of your mind or, worse still, think that your cleverness means that there is no Me, this is breaking the first two Commandments.

In breaking Commandments you are diminishing your potential.  That is what I deem Sin to be.  You won't reach Heaven because you won't be looking for it and will get lost.  No GPS will help you find your way in another dimension.  You'll probably, if you are lucky and not wandering around in limbo, be reincarnated in an increasingly techno-centric world.

A word about Heaven.  It is a ridiculous word.  It is a 'state of being' to which you graduate.  It is a state of enlightenment.  It isn't possible to explain enlightenment.  It has to be attained to be comprehended.  As to where Heaven is, it is merely an extension of your existence in a dimension you can't perceive in your present form.

Science is presently working on how to upload the conscious mind into a computer chip so humans won't die and will live forever.  I believe you call it SINGULARITY.  I hope you will be able to see, smell, touch, move, hear and love when this takes place.  In fact I hope this concept is so good, it completely resembles My creation: the human being.

In this new incarnation you may be disease, age and death proof but don't you think you might just get a teensy bit bored eventually?  I'll tell you right now and it's a big yes.  I'm going to be interested to observe and see if it is possible to go mad with boredom in your computer chip heaven and then, what you're going to be able to do about it.

I hope this goes some way to explaining why the Commandments exist. They are a guide to help you reach your potential rather than letting yourself diminish if you live just for the now and so cause your soul to erode.  Now 'soul', there's a lovely word.